
Group Course


Let's talk about your next step!

If you want to find out how we can help you bypass the stress and teach from the heart, click on the button below and book a FREE CALL with us. We will talk about your situation, and decide what could be your next step.


You are not alone.

Annika has coached many groups and every time participants listen to each other’s stories and say:

“Oh, you too? I thought I was the only one feeling that way!”

Oftentimes we work closely with colleagues and students without taking the time to talk about the deeper issues. We might not think we have the time to talk about how we use our time. Or talk about how we can find our passion back.

In the Holistic Time Management for Teachers Group Course, you get to be part of  a group you will meet weekly and you will receive skilful mentoring that will help you and the other participants bring out the passionate and calm teacher you really are.

The power of the group is amazing. The relationships that grow from transforming your lives together are of the deep kind. They will outlast the group course by far.

To really learn and apply Holistic Time Management in your teaching and the rest of your life, join our powerful group course.

The program is a combination of self-study and group mentoring in small groups of up to 6 teachers. It is typically done over a period of 16 weeks.

If you have not done the Principles Course when you sign up for the Group Course, we will include it so you get off to a great start.

The timing of our meetings will be set to suit all participants as well as possible .

Course Content

This is included in the course:

  • 8 biweekly online coaching calls in a group of 4-7 teachers with caring expert mentoring from Tajana.
  • The Holistic Time Management for Teachers Online Course.
Module 1: You and your time
Module 2: Needs-time, Should-time, Waste-time and Want-time
Module 3: Increase your energy
Module 4: There are no shoulds
Module 5: Turn perceived shoulds into coulds
Module 6: Your 3 types of plans
  • The Academic Planner to help you with your professional life
  • The Holistic Time Management Planner to help you with all parts of life
Holistic Time Management Planner
Academic Planner

How it works

As soon as you sign up we will be happy to welcome you. You will receive an introduction video and a questionnaire. By filling out the questionnaire it will become clear for both you and us where you are and where you want to be at the end of the course.

You will get access to the online course and the planners will be sent to you. We will set the time for the group Zoom meetings so they suit each participant as well as possible.

Our first meeting will be a kick-off meeting where we get to know each other.

Before the next meeting you will be asked to do the first module of the online course on your own.

During the group mentoring meetings, we will talk about how you can apply what you have learned in the module and we will also help you with any specific pain point you may have. You will be helped from week 1, you don’t have to wait until the end of the course to notice the difference!

After the mentoring meeting you will learn the next module and we will talk about it in the next meeting.

In the final meeting we will summarize all learnings. You will be surprised about how differently you will look at your life by then and how well you will have gotten to know the other participants!

Many working mums have transformed their lives with Holistic Time Management.

We are looking forward to helping you as well.


I don't feel guilty anymore!

After the program I don’t feel guilty anymore. I accept things more easily. I am more aware now of different categories of time and the fact that if I don’t look after myself, my glass will be full of waste time and no energy. I have learned that sometimes we can stop. The world will keep going, the sun will still shine, etc. I wish I knew this 4 years ago, at least.

Semida – Mother, English Teacher and Translator

I do feel in a much better place with stress levels and the level of "intention" in my life

I loved the program. I found it inspiring, and the group meets have been very helpful, and the suggestions practical and very solution-focused. I am very grateful to you for running this course, and I do feel in a much better place with stress levels and the level of “intention” in my life than when I started. I also have a bag of tools and I know this will help me to be even less stressed and more present to do the things I want to. Thank you!

Roberta – Mother and Physics and Theory of Knowledge Teacher


I got some very useful tools and ways of changing for the better

What I liked about this program was how both the tutors and the participants interacted giving solutions to others’ problems. The program also made me think about how I spend my time both at work and at home and I got some very useful tools, insights and ways of changing for the better.

Donald – English Teacher

I feel in charge of my life!

I feel more balanced, and in charge of my time, and less overwhelmed. Thank you!! I love it !! Thank you for your hard work, commitment and dedication, you’ve been very inspiring!

Nereida – Waldorf Teacher

I enjoy my relationships more because I understand that I have time!

The Holistic Time Management program has added value to my life, as I enjoy my relationships more because I understand that I have time. Being organised, planning and feeling in control of how you spend your time is helping reducing stress levels. I like how the program includes all aspects of life and not just work as other programs do.

Leena – Mother and Director of Inspire Tuition

A lot of personalized, kind attention!

After the Masterclass I am more conscious of how to manage my emotions related to my time management. I have learnt useful tools for making decisions about using my time and having a more peaceful relationship with time. I feel it has been value for money – a lot of personalized, kind attention. It has been lovely to meet you Annika and Alexandra too. Congratulations on creating a wonderful resource!! 🙂

Shona – Owner of English with Shona

Let's talk about your next step!

If you want to find out how we can help you bypass the stress and teach from the heart, click on the button below and book a FREE CALL with us. We will talk about your situation, and decide what could be your next step.

Tajana Tusek, an experienced teacher of English as a second language, combines her skills as a Master of Civil Engineering with her passion for teaching in order to find the most efficient ways teachers can use their time. As a Holistic Time management alumni she can train teachers in ways that go beyond the standard courses for teachers.


Annika Rosendahl initiated the Timefinder Academy to help working mums love their lives by managing their time. Since her beloved mother was a devoted teacher, Annika strongly supports Tajana’s tailoring of the Holistic Time management concept to help teachers the same way Annika has helped other working mums for years.