
Individual Support

As much as we love group mentoring, sometimes individual support is the better alternative. This is for you if you want to:

  • Focus fully on your specific situation and find your unique way to bypass the stress and teach from the heart as soon as possible.
  • Have a flexible set up where you set the pace and timing for your sessions together with your mentor.

The individual support starts with a getting to know each other session. In this session we will talk about where you are and where you want to be. Then we will describe the method we use, and we will sort out any questions you may have. If we find that we are a good fit the mentoring will start as soon as possible. 😊 If we conclude that individual support is not the best option for you, we will suggest other ways for you to learn how to manage your time as a teacher.

Just like the group mentoring, the individual support includes self-study with materials we will provide.

To see if personalized mentoring is for you, book a getting to know each other call.

Let's talk about your next step!

If you want to find out how we can help you bypass the stress and teach from the heart, click on the button below and book a FREE CALL with us. We will talk about your situation, and decide what could be your next step.


Tajana Tusek, an experienced teacher of English as a second language, combines her skills as a Master of Civil Engineering with her passion for teaching in order to find the most efficient ways teachers can use their time. As a Holistic Time management alumni she can train teachers in ways that go beyond the standard courses for teachers.


Annika Rosendahl initiated the Timefinder Academy to help working mums love their lives by managing their time. Since her beloved mother was a devoted teacher, Annika strongly supports Tajana’s tailoring of the Holistic Time management concept to help teachers the same way Annika has helped other working mums for years.